March, 2006
The packing of the house collections, the removal of the objects and their installation in temporary storage are initiated to begin working on empowerment and restoration for its new museological destination.
Project Development and Work Team
Project development initiates under the general coordination of consultants Consuelo Valdés Ch. y Carmen Vergara L. Magdalena Frei shall be in charge of the financial, communicational and public relations aspects of the project.The multidisciplinary team of professionals and technicians, working in different fields of the project, is finally composed as follows:
Creation, Coordination and Proyect Supervision
Consuelo Valdés Ch.
Carmen Vergara L.
Architecture and Construction
Architects: Teodoro Fernández and Milva Pesce
Building Company: Juan Manuel Santos y Cía. Ltda.
Site Chief: Raúl Hernández
Technical Inspection: Coz y Cía. Ltda.
Supervisor: Ramón Coz y Cristián Scheleff
Structural Engineering: C.L. Ingenieros Consultores
Supervosor: Demetrio Concha y Matías Hernández
Air Conditioning
A&P Ingeniería
Supervisor: Gustavo Concha
Gracia Saint H. (original project)
Patricia de la Maza (garden restoration)
General and Exhibition Lighting
Limarí Lighting Design.
Supervisor: Pascal Chautard y Francisca Mackenzie
Preventive Preservation and Restoration
Cecilia Guerrero
Macarena Murúa
Johanna Theile
Art Work and Wall Textile Restoration
Alejandra Castro
Preservation and Restoration of Three-Dimensional Objects
Anita Anselmo
Photograph Preservation and Restoration
Ilonka Csillag
Preservation and Restoration of Works on Paper
Marianne Wacquez
Textile Preservation and Restoration
Yasna Sepúlveda
Preservation and Restoration of Furniture, Tapestry and Curtains
Alfonso Almarza
M. Teresa Grunwald
Antonieta Makus
Johanna Theile
Marisol López
Juan Manuel Martínez
Documentation Center of Cultural Assets (Centro de Documentación de Bienes Culturales) of Information Bureau for Libaries, and Museum (DIBAM is Spanish).
Supervisor: Lorena Cordero, Melissa Morales
Reference Documentation
Margarita Barraza
Communications and Script
Marcial Edwards
Audiovisual Production
RF Films.
Supervisor: Rodrigo Fernández
Web and Multimedia Design
Alt164 Ltda.
Supervisor: Taty Mella and Marcos Correa
Industrial and Graphic Design
Nicolás Racic
Álvaro Santa Cruz
Óskar Cáceres
Award Room Museography
Company: DOT
Supervisor: Alfredo Yrarrázaval
Design and Mounting
Esteban Correa
Educational and Historical Contents
Isabel Rivas L.
Trinidad Schonherr R.
Museography and Management
Consuelo Valdés Ch.
Carmen Vergara L.
Production assistant
Flor Cerro D.