Casa Museo Eduardo Frei Montalva is the first Chilean museum dedicated to an ex-President of the Republic. The initiative that has enabled its implementation is based on the historical significance of this remarkable statesman, who at a young age participated in the political life of the country. Casa Museo tries to define the leading figure of Eduardo Frei Montalva in his spiritual, human and affective aspect of his life.
While he is known for the extraordinary quality of its public service, which is where comes his great stature as an intellectual and statesman, such quality would have been impossible not to be grounded in principles and originated from their religious values and his deep impetus concern matters of thinking and knowledge.
The origin of these qualities is related, no doubt, with the solid and austere family context that surrounded him during his childhood and youth. Eduardo Frei belonged to a family of enormous moral principles, perhaps largely they determined his successful career and, indeed, the application of a model of behavior through which taught and raised his own family with the support of his wife.